Friday, January 17, 2020

MicroTeaching 2

As per the B.Ed curriculum our college held the second section of Micro-teaching on January 01 ,2020. This section was more comfortable and tension free for all of the students than the first Micro-teaching session.
Name of the student teacher : GEETHU ELIZABETHU PHILIP
Subject                                  : BIOLOGY
Topic                                     : COMPONENTS OF ECOSYSTEM
Standard                                : IX
Major skill used                    : SKILL OF EXPLAINING .


To present the subject matter in a simplified form before the learners and making it acquirable is known as explanation skill. It involves ability of the teacher to describe logically' how', 'why' and 'when' concept etc. ... It includes the summary of all the main results of the explanation.


1.Using appropriate beginning statements
2.Using appropriate concluding statements 
3.Using explaining links 
4.Testing Pupils Understanding 
5.Covering essential points
6. Technical words defined 
7.Interesting to students
8.Use of visual techniques

Thursday, January 2, 2020

My digital album

 Digital album making workshop

 As a part of second semester b.Ed practical works a digital album making workshop was conducted on January 1 ,2020  at BMM II training college ,Kottarakara.
 Resource person : Mr. Hari
 A digital album was created by the instruction of the resource person based on a content.
Content selected from Basic science class 8 textbook.
  Class 8 
Basic science /Biology
Chapter 13 -Diversity for Sustenance 
Topic selected - In-situ Conservation

Link of the digital album created is given below,

The workshop was very helpful for me as a student teacher .

my Digital Album

See my Digital Profile

Digital profile making 
As the part of B.Ed curriculum a digital profile making workshop was conducted on january 3,  2020.  All the students prepared their digital profile in with the instructions of the resource person Mr.Hari. 

To visit my digital profile account copy the link given below.